Thursday, July 25, 2013

Morning Moods

I have learned something recently that I think is worth sharing:

What you listen to when you drive to work affects your mood when you get there.

Now: I don't have a long drive to work in the morning.  But for years, I have been listening to sports talk radio for my brief ride. Which means I listen to a lot of ranting, posturing, raving, and the ubiquitous ads for various gentlemen's clubs around town.

So what kind of mood would I be in upon arrival at work?  Sarcastic, lustful, and opinionated.  In the name of Jesus!

I suppose that's why in recent months I've started back to something on my morning drive that I'd abandoned long ago.  Music.

Some of it secular.  Some of it spiritual. Some of it on CD.  Some of it from the radio.  A little bit of The Lake.  A little of The Ride.  And even some New Life (please, less banter & more Brandon Heath).

The result?

I come to work a bit less jaded and a bit more creative.  Less of the world but more in the world

Just plain better able to work.

I think it's because I'm exposed to the subtlety of art rather than the bombast of opinion.



  1. Spot on. One of the best favors I've ever done for myself was to completely eliminate political talk from my listening/viewing diet. It's made a huge difference in my outlook on life.

  2. Same could be argued for the ride Home.

    We should prepare ourselves on the ride home to walk thru the doors prepared to be loving, caring, and responsive to our spouses and children.

    What happened at work should not be reflected in how we present ourselves to our loved ones when we arrive HOME.

    Since church begins at HOME, one could argue that the mood we set on our drive HOME is more important than the one we set on our drive to work.

    So Mood Setting in the "Evening" is as, or more, important than mood Setting in the "Morning"!

  3. I'm totally with you on this. Some days on my drive in, I think too much and bury myself in issues that don't need to be heaped on me right before work. Some FFH can get me in the right mindset. Last week it was Pat Benetar's "All Fired Up." On repeat. :)

    If I listen to something sad to "sympathize" with a mood I'm in, do I feel any better? No. Sometimes, we have the ability to uplift ourselves.

    As a good friend of mine says, "It's all about choices."
